Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend in Polebridge!

We just came home from a wonderful weekend at a Forest Service Cabin up in Polebridge (about 12 miles south of the Canadian border). We have gone up there every winter for the past few years, but this was Zoe's first trip. As usual the views and company and snowshoeing was outstanding, but I must say, my little girl is such a trooper. The friends that we were with were wondering how cloth diapering was going to work in the middle of the woods with no running water or indoor plumbing for that matter. The answer is GREAT! We brought up a diaper bag to hang on the doorway for the dirty dipes and that was that...

Not only did Zoe love the cabin, but she had a blast outside. She loves nothing better than to be in the wrap on her momma and walking in the woods! The fresh air, the snow, the cozy ride inside my jacket. Talk about the good life.

At the end of the day, she was ready to play in front of the fire or relax on the couch with her papa. I can't wait for our next trip, and I know that she feels the same!

Monday, December 29, 2008

First snowy outing

Finally... we had a beautiful white Christmas here in Montana. I could not have asked for a more beautiful first Christmas for little Zoe.

We took a great hike on the 26th up the back side of Blue Mountain. The snow was about mid-calf deep and we had a blast! I had Zoe all bundled up in her bunting and inside my baby wearing coat and she stayed toasty warm!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Great Bunting!

I took some time this week to check out a new used clothes store for babies here in Missoula called Puddin's Place... to my surprise I found a wonderful Patagonia bunting that was the perfect fit for my daughter. I had looked at these new, but had balked at the price so of course I snatched this one right up.

It fits perfect and keeps my little girl cozy warm on the hikes that we've been taking over the weekend... also easy to get in and out (I could get her back into it while she was seated at my lap in a table with no trouble). So, if I needed to would I buy one new... absolutely, they are worth it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bring on the winter weather!

As an outdoor enthusiast, I have been eager to explore the world with my new daughter...

We were strolling through the geyser basins of Yellowstone National Park at 4 weeks, hiking the Garden Wall in Glacier National Park at 8 weeks, and numerous day outings around the area. That is the beauty of living in Missoula, there are so many options for enjoying the outdoors.

However, winter is on the way and I am both excited and a bit nervous about the cold and snowy world that I will be taking my daughter into. My husband and I are avid snowshoers so we are hoping to bring our daughter along with us this winter... as long as it isn't too cold.

I have a little snowsuit for her and plan to put her in the front carrier facing in towards me so that she stays warm. If needed I can always put one of my husbands coats around the both of us and zip it up. But of course, as a new mom, I'm also a little worried about her getting too cold, or uncomfortable.

Gone for now are the days of 12 mile treks into a winter wonderland with just the sound of my shoes crunching in the snow. They will be replaced by much closer to home laps around the trails at Blue Mountain (my old running route), or up the Rattlesnake Trail head. While neither of these will be the heart thumping frozen exertions that I am accustomed to, the trade off will be well worth it...

Little smiles, coos of wonder, the first snow flake on a tiny nose, laughter as we sing songs as I tramp in the snow looking down at that precious face nuzzled up next to me, and memories that will last a life time.

Bring on the winter weather!!
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